Historical and current spatial modeling of the sacred fir (Abies religiosa [Kunth] Schltdl. & Cham.) in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt

Manzanilla Quiñones, Ulises y Martínez Adriano, Cristian Adrián y Aguirre Calderón, Oscar Alberto (2019) Historical and current spatial modeling of the sacred fir (Abies religiosa [Kunth] Schltdl. & Cham.) in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente, 25 (2). pp. 201-217. ISSN 2007-3828

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Introduction: Climatic conditions in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt during the middle Holocene were different from today’s conditions, which may have an effect on the historical distribution areas of the sacred fir (Abies religiosa [Kunth] Schltdl. & Cham.). Objective: To determine whether the environmental requirements that delimit the current distribution of the sacred fir in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt have changed since 6,000 years ago. Materials and methods: A. religiosa records were obtained from the Niche Toolbox platform. The WorldClim version 2.0 variables for the current (1970-2000) and middle Holocene (CNRMCM5 and MIROC_ESM models) periods were downloaded. The distribution models were generated in MaxEnt using 75 % of the data for training and 25 % for validation. The most important variables of each period were determined with the Jackknife test. Results and discussion: The estimated sacred fir areas were similar in both periods. Approximately 86.5 % of the sacred fir potential distribution is found in protected natural areas of the zone. The limiting environmental variables of its distribution are: elevation, annual precipitation, summer precipitation, annual mean temperature and diurnal temperature oscillation. Nevado de Toluca and Mexico City had larger sacred fir areas (+2 658.4 ha and +20129.7 ha, respectively) during the Middle Holocene. Annual precipitation was 80 to 224 mm higher than the current level and the temperature was 1 °C colder. Conclusion: The most important environmental variables for sacred fir distribution are similar to those reported in the literature, indicating similarity between the current and historical ecological niche of A. religiosa

Tipo de elemento: Article
Palabras claves no controlados: Nicho ecológico, Variables ambientales, Abeto, Holoceno medio, Distribución potencial
Materias: S Agricultura > SD Ciencia forestal
Divisiones: Ciencias Forestales
Usuario depositante: Editor Repositorio
Aguirre Calderón, Oscar Albertooscar.aguirrecl@uanl.edu.mxorcid.org/0000-0001-5668-8869
Fecha del depósito: 22 Abr 2024 13:58
Última modificación: 10 Dic 2024 16:27
URI: http://eprints.uanl.mx/id/eprint/27335

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