A novel oral endoscopic biopsy procedure to obtain rumen epithelial samples

Ramos Zayas, Yareellys y Cantú Reyes, Saúl Adrián y Tristán Casas, Iris I. y Kawas Garza, Jorge R. (2022) A novel oral endoscopic biopsy procedure to obtain rumen epithelial samples. Veterinary Sciences, 9 (5). pp. 230-238. ISSN 2306-7381

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Most in vivo studies related to ruminal development in calves use invasive techniques involving rumen-fistulated or euthanized animals. In consideration of animal welfare, we developed an oral endoscopic biopsy procedure to allow the obtaining of rumen epithelial samples, thus serving as an alternative for measuring the height and width of rumen papillae in calves in a safe, quick, and efficient manner that allows the slaughtering of calves to be avoided. This procedure was tested on 12 Brangus crossbred calves randomly distributed in two groups, with one fed a meal starter and the other an extruded starter feed. Calves underwent a 12-h fasting period, were restrained in a squeeze chute, administered a dose of atropine, and sedated with xylazine before the oral endoscopic biopsy procedure. A 120 cm long Olympus® oral flexible video endoscope and forceps were used to collect cranial–dorsal sac rumen epithelial tissue samples of approximately 0.5 mm. Endoscopy was successful in all 12 calves and the collected tissue samples were placed in formalin (10%) for further processing for obtaining rumen papillae measurements. Consumption of the extruded starter feed resulted in the increased (p = 0.035) width of rumen papillae. The oral endoscopic biopsy procedure implemented in this study was demonstrated to be successful and is thus an alternative technique for studying rumen epithelial development and morphometric alterations in calf rumen tissue.

Tipo de elemento: Article
Palabras claves no controlados: Terneros de carne, alimento extruido, biopsia endoscópica oral, mediciones del epitelio ruminal
Materias: S Agricultura > SF Ganadería / Medicina veretrinaria
Divisiones: Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia
Usuario depositante: Editor Repositorio
Ramos Zayas, Yareellysyramosz@uanl.edu.mxNO ESPECIFICADO
Cantú Reyes, Saúl Adriánadriancantu1996@gmail.comNO ESPECIFICADO
Fecha del depósito: 15 Oct 2024 15:25
Última modificación: 09 Dic 2024 17:48
URI: http://eprints.uanl.mx/id/eprint/27787

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